
Monday, October 24, 2011

the clothesline

her mouth vetted meaningless words
before unleashing them
all the coughing in the world
could not bring up that thing
stuck in her heart
mere thoughts of it loosening
brought tears to her eyes
already dripping
with a days worth of dirty laundry
eyelids now washboards
grated over her vision
inking out what little light
that still crept in
they closed heavily
clanking old prison doors
without keyholes
timeless rusty steel
thick as a hatchet's head
her tears whispered and scratched at the vermillion above her jaw
pounding in that dreadful salty way
until her skin was parchment
ready to be written upon
a tattooed and crumpled up mask
wrinkled furrows show the way down
as if gravity were not enough
to pull the weight of her disappointment to the wooden floor

i saw her disapproval at once
in that swagger
her lip curled
walking across her mouth
an arm piece with a pipe
between her thighs
so deft and ample
a swift kick to her ankle
would not knock it out of place
it's a miracle she could even smile
her backbone so heavy now
even a snowflake's weight would cause
a careening avalanche down her spine
scoliosis or not
no curves would bend far enough
to stop that speeding vulture
with ravenous hunger
it climbed up her sweaty back
clawing and licking
with just enough brevity to force her to her knees

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