
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

use less words. stop trying to be someone you aren't. stop acting up and start growing up. let go.

look at things from a different point of view. eat. live. hold what you love close to your heart.

 stop looking for what's right in front of you. don't overlook the obvious things in your life. embrace them.

find joy in the littlest tasks. make your life worth living. every second. make those seconds count.

Monday, February 2, 2009

a specimen of myself

in the apothecary
little jars of myself
spread across gnarled shelves

a sprinkle of bees to the sky
flowers scream
my life sucked dry

pickled thoughts
in smaller bottles
hold answers to the questions
surgeons must ask

they cut away from my ashes
a self made of wax

Saturday, January 31, 2009


she cannot move through me
like a silhouette
or a cavity
not candle wax
to make a mold
in the cold
a canker sore
my knees
skinned to the bone
will not bend
to bow down
no crown
upon her head
she will not fool me
a jester
juggling words
pulled from her hat
and i see through her now


you are the scent
of the sky
tumbling down for me to touch

gathered up in lavender jars
i save you for another day

Friday, January 2, 2009


peeking into the hole
of my life
a knotty gnarled abyss
i step back and gasp
expands into fleshy sky
i do not wish to see
myself peering back at me
fumbling for words
to fill the silence.